Manufacturing & Logistics

 Manufacturing & Logistics 

As one of the leading automotive suppliers for body parts, we offer our customers a wide range of products. We have extensive expertise in various manufacturing processes. Manufacturing in our forming plants mainly includes stamping and roll-forming processes. In addition to classic cold forming, hot forming is also part of our production portfolio. In system and modular assembly, our factories primarily have robots that assemble individual components using processes such as welding, gluing or soldering.

As Groupe FSD, we have a particularly extensive vertical depth of manufacturing in order to guarantee our customers the best quality. For this reason, we have our own tool shop and even produce stamping presses ourselves. Logistics in the automotive industry is also complex. Just-in-time deliveries to our customers, material availability in production and logistics within and between our plants are just a few of the challenges that our colleagues face every day.

Manufacturing & Logistics

As one of the leading automotive suppliers for body parts, we offer our customers a wide range of products. We have extensive expertise in various manufacturing processes. Manufacturing in our forming plants mainly includes stamping and roll-forming processes. In addition to classic cold forming, hot forming is also part of our production portfolio. In system and modular assembly, our factories primarily have robots that assemble individual components using processes such as welding, gluing or soldering.

As Groupe FSD, we have a particularly extensive vertical depth of manufacturing in order to guarantee our customers the best quality. For this reason, we have our own tool shop and even produce stamping presses ourselves. Logistics in the automotive industry is also complex. Just-in-time deliveries to our customers, material availability in production and logistics within and between our plants are just a few of the challenges that our colleagues face every day.

  • Serdar Keser

    Site Manager

    "I like the fact that every day is different, and I have new tasks and challenges for myself, and I can tackle them together with my great team. I can plan and work within my own responsibility, and I also make my decisions largely independently. This is what I really appreciate."

  • Carsten Grams

    Leader Planning & Logistics

    "I like going to work every day. I especially like the planning and organizational challenges, and I am very pleased that the company has given me a lot of opportunities to develop professionally and personally. It is never boring; and if there are problems, we solve them in the team."

  • Rico Holzapfel

    Shift Leader Assistent Laser Systems

    "What I like about Snop is the good working atmosphere - in all departments - and the chances I get to learn and develop. Every day is different, too. Working on new technical projects challanges me. It never gets boring."

Search results for "". Page 0 of 0, Results 1 to 33 of 33
Title Department Location
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