Engineering & Technology

 Engineering & Technology 

From the quote to our customer, to the launch in the plant, the colleagues working in Engineering & Technology are part of our project management for new vehicles. Engineers, technicians and business people work together in international teams on diverse and exciting projects. Whether as a cost engineer in the offer phase, process engineer in the design of the future manufacturing process or as a product engineer in the implementation and industrialization of our projects, these are the challenges our colleagues solve.

The areas quality and logistics also belong to our project team. Planning the logistics as well as ensuring the product and process quality play an important role in the successful execution of our customer projects and offer a variety of career opportunities. All threads come together in Program Management. Interdisciplinary teams from technical and commercial areas work together with the project managers on the best possible execution of our projects in terms of time, quality and costs.

Engineering & Technology

From the quote to our customer, to the launch in the plant, the colleagues working in Engineering & Technology are part of our project management for new vehicles. Engineers, technicians and business people work together in international teams on diverse and exciting projects.

Whether as a cost engineer in the offer phase, process engineer in the design of the future manufacturing process or as a product engineer in the implementation and industrialization of our projects, these are the challenges our colleagues solve..

The areas quality and logistics also belong to our project team. Planning the logistics as well as ensuring the product and process quality play an important role in the successful execution of our customer projects and offer a variety of career opportunities.

All threads come together in Program Management. Interdisciplinary teams from technical and commercial areas work together with the project managers on the best possible execution of our projects in terms of time, quality and costs.

  • André Fiebig

    Manager Quality Improvement

    "Snop means diversity. That is what I like most. The flat hierarchies and the high level of freedom within my job offer me interfaces to many other disciplines and thus to many different colleagues. The exchange and the shared knowledge are bringing me forward every day."

  • Patrick Rizzon

    Manager Continuous Improvement

    "Particularly interesting in my work, is the diversity in the tasks. Here at Snop I can put all the things that I have learned in theory into practice. From the very first day I admired the teamwork at Snop. All of the colleagues work together towards success, and support wherever it is needed. Colleagues and leaders always have an open ear and take the time for explanations."

  • Nathalie Manemabaa

    Logistics & Packaging

    "I like my job a lot, because it's an interface function, where I get both the commercial and the technical side. That brings me personally and professionally a big step forward. This would not be possible without the great team spirit. Our dealings with each other is very respectful and every opinion or idea is appreciated."

Search results for "". Page 0 of 0, Results 1 to 17 of 17
Title Department Location
Administrateur Infrastructures & Opérations niveau 2 (H-F)
Administrateur Infrastructures & Opérations niveau 2 (H-F) Engineering & Technology Villepinte, FR
Engineering & Technology Villepinte, FR
Chargé d'affaire projet
Chargé d'affaire projet Engineering & Technology Commune Amer Seflia, Kenitra, MA
Engineering & Technology Commune Amer Seflia, Kenitra, MA
Developpeur EDI (H-F)
Developpeur EDI (H-F) Engineering & Technology Villepinte, FR
Engineering & Technology Villepinte, FR
Elektrotechnik Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Elektrotechnik Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Géometre junior (H-F)
Géometre junior (H-F) Engineering & Technology Villepinte, FR
Engineering & Technology Villepinte, FR
Ingénieur Qualité
Ingénieur Qualité Engineering & Technology Fontaine, FR
Engineering & Technology Fontaine, FR
Mechanik údržby
Mechanik údržby Engineering & Technology Zápy, CZ
Engineering & Technology Zápy, CZ
Mechanik údržby
Mechanik údržby Engineering & Technology Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Engineering & Technology Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Merací technik (CMM technician)
Merací technik (CMM technician) Engineering & Technology Malacky, SK
Engineering & Technology Malacky, SK
Provozní kontrolor
Provozní kontrolor Engineering & Technology Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Engineering & Technology Mladá Boleslav, CZ
Qualitätsvorausplaner (m/w/d)
Qualitätsvorausplaner (m/w/d) Engineering & Technology Ettlingen, DE
Engineering & Technology Ettlingen, DE
Ruční nástrojař
Ruční nástrojař Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Technicien Qualité Externe (clients/fournisseurs)
Technicien Qualité Externe (clients/fournisseurs) Engineering & Technology Fontaine, FR
Engineering & Technology Fontaine, FR
Technik údržby / zámečník
Technik údržby / zámečník Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Technolog Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Engineering & Technology Klášterec nad Ohří, 1-Vernéřov, CZ
Technolog - Junior - Trainee Program
Technolog - Junior - Trainee Program Engineering & Technology Pohořelice, CZ
Engineering & Technology Pohořelice, CZ